Check out UK's finest, Dobi Kwe! This funky, fearless, musical fashionista shares her style sense and CDs with StyleChile!!! Send us an e-mail, at, with your name and shipping address and you'll get your own copy of Dobi Kwe's debut C.D., Don't forget to Remember!** Check out Mr. Nice! That's 'gonna be live in my iPod for some time. This cd may be her first, but she's no ingenue! Dobi's a classically-trained pianist and vocalist, and is a self-taught bassist and amateur DJ. Keep reading for my interview with D. Kwe! You can almost hear that British accent jumping off the page...loves it!
StyleChile: When did you 1st become interested in music?
Dobi Kwe: Well as far as music is concerned I think I was born interested! I’ve always loved and been surrounded by music, my mum had the most awesome record collection at home, from Pavarotti, to every Michael Jackson album, all the Motown classics, Abba, The Beatles, the list goes on. Certain songs still trigger some of my earliest memories – Steve Wonder’s Happy Birthday – was heard at every single birthday party without fail! Music’s just such a prominent feature in my life that I can’t remember a time when it didn’t interest and stimulate me.
I definitely think though that as I grew and had a lil’ more control over what I wore, my dressing became very influenced by the music I would listened to at the time - so in that sense, fashion and music went hand in hand. Lots of people pick up cool trends from music videos, their favourite artist performing or whatever and adapt it to their own personality and comfort zone, I did the same. Funnily enough some of the men in my life played a huge role gearing me towards fashion – my brother, and my cousin, especially with their endless nights watching America’s Next Top Model…

Since Uni I’ve taken more of a personal interest in the fashion industry, in particular modelling. There’s so much more discipline to it than just ‘looking pretty’ and I now appreciate that. I recently took part in London’s Swatch Alternative Fashion Week
StyleChile: Who were your fashion influences?
Dobi Kwe: Hmm well all kinds of people really, from top supermodels like Naomi (Campbell), and Kate (Moss), to pop stars and rock stars, to the average Jack and Jill doing their thing down the High Street. I’m very much like “I see something that works, I’ll try it”. But I always try to mix it up a lil’ to match my own sense of style. You could see me rockin’ a hoodie and baggy jeans one day, knee-highs and skinnies the next, converse and khakis on another. Having said that we all need a lil’ inspiration from the top and I ain’t no exception to that. Thanks Vogue!
StyleChile: How do you manage to stay fashionable?
Dobi Kwe: By being 100% me. Fashion’s pretty changeable, it’s very cyclical so I feel like I’m free to add my own lil’ spice to the pot! Like I could be walking down the street and stop to admire the most outrageous outfit I would never wear, but it looks great on this character because they are comfortable, confident and they totally think they look hot! You look as good as you feel. But it’s also helpful to know your best features and work with those. I’m lucky long legs are always in fashion lol!

StyleChile: Do you have any tips of advice for today’s fun, fashionable females?
Dobi Kwe: Sure, ladies the most beautiful asset you could ever have is self-esteem and confidence. I ain’t saying you can’t do your part to keep in shape, watch what you eat, etc. But when you’re happy with yourself it shows, and it shines through the clothes. Fashion’s cool, it’s great to have all those people who spend so much time creating and deciding what works, but it’s just a guide, so it’s more important to form your own identity outside ever changing fashion industry.
StyleChile: How do you stay inspired?
Dobi Kwe: My inspiration comes from God. I try to let him have the first and last word in whatever I do and he never lets me down. I stay inspired by the people around me - my family and friends who are a constant source of encouragement and love, so important! I’m inspired daily witnessing the hard work and persistence of great musicians, models, businessmen, and all kinds of success stories who started with nothing - that’s enough to inspire anyone.
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