. . . I've come to realize that I'm more superstitious than I'd like to think. So, while checking out my horoscope for January and February on astrologyzone.com I was pleasantly surprised to see that, amongst other things, Susan Miller thinks it is high time for me to start a blog if I don't already have one, or to update an already established blog.
Weird, right? I had to look over my shoulder a lil' bit and say a prayer just in case evil spirits were trying to communicate with me. But, then I thought about it a little more and concluded that since everyone and their mother has a blog, any astrologer who references a blog is probably going to touch on familiar territory.
Notwithstanding my cynicism, I think she's right. This blog has been up and running for years now and I still have yet to develop a logo. A year or so ago, during a particularly inspired 2 hours, I came up with the idea for--and created a mock-up of--my ideal banner. I even re-registered stylechile.com (which I had in 2001, but let it lapse) . . . But, I'm woefully tech unsavvy, and am surprisely lax about this whole logo/website thing and should just pay someone to do it, but am secretly liking the blank, unadorned canvas that is this site.
But, guess what? Thanks to the artistic talent of this woman, whose Soul Baby Slings are definitely going to be featured here, I've discovered a really cool way to spice up this space. It's quite easy even for the technologically challenged--like me.
So watch out world. This blog is about to look a little better . . . at least for a while ;) Let's see how long this lasts.
P.S.- It won't be a big change, and hopefully you might even notice it! Baby steps . . .
Weird, right? I had to look over my shoulder a lil' bit and say a prayer just in case evil spirits were trying to communicate with me. But, then I thought about it a little more and concluded that since everyone and their mother has a blog, any astrologer who references a blog is probably going to touch on familiar territory.
Notwithstanding my cynicism, I think she's right. This blog has been up and running for years now and I still have yet to develop a logo. A year or so ago, during a particularly inspired 2 hours, I came up with the idea for--and created a mock-up of--my ideal banner. I even re-registered stylechile.com (which I had in 2001, but let it lapse) . . . But, I'm woefully tech unsavvy, and am surprisely lax about this whole logo/website thing and should just pay someone to do it, but am secretly liking the blank, unadorned canvas that is this site.
But, guess what? Thanks to the artistic talent of this woman, whose Soul Baby Slings are definitely going to be featured here, I've discovered a really cool way to spice up this space. It's quite easy even for the technologically challenged--like me.
So watch out world. This blog is about to look a little better . . . at least for a while ;) Let's see how long this lasts.
P.S.- It won't be a big change, and hopefully you might even notice it! Baby steps . . .
Photo: Clutch Magazine
Tripple Yaaaaaaaaaay!!!
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