All of this is a really circuitous way of saying that: if you’re going to shop online, you might as well look into the tres exclusive (high end luxury discount) sites below. Moschino straight from the runway? Check. Dolce & Gabbana? Duh. Badgley Mishka? They’ve got it. And for dirt cheap—so to speak. Each site is by invite only and requires a referral (in the case of Editor’s Closet, no referral means you’ll have to join the waitlist—and folks have been waiting since time immemorial!). If you’re interested in joining, shoot me an e-mail at and I will send you an invite.
Brief synopses of a few of the more popular sites follow. Happy shopping! You can thank me (or not) later. And I have to thank David B. for inviting me to two out of the five listed below. He totally fuels my passion for fashion!
"Luxury Brands; Hand Selected Styles; Members Only Prices"
StyleChile Rating: Amex up!
This one should be called “guilt group” because guilty is how you’ll feel after each purchase…it’s not that the items are expensive per se…well, relatively speaking…it’s just that the prices are so good, that the frequency with which you’ll make a purchase might prove problematic. I have a friend (she shall remain nameless, but if you want to know who, click here) who curses me for sending her the invite…she’s lost track of what (and how many) items she’s ordered…some of us have self control (ahem) and…a $25.00 credit for each referral who makes a purchase. So, my Valentino skirt, which would have otherwise been $200+, was almost free. Read here for Forbes' article on Gilt Group.
Haute Look
Haute Look
While I was able to buy a super cute “Plenty” by Tracy Reese car coat (for cheap folks, I’m talking cheapy-cheap cheap), I was not impressed with the wait time. If you’re anything like me…I need instant gratification (don’t ask why I shop online)…you’re going to grow impatient with the slouchy service! Be prepared to wait 7 days for HauteLook to receive your item (that’s 7 days AFTER you’ve clicked submit), plus a few—or many—additional days for them to ship it to you. Being the letter writing lawyer that I am, I was able to score a terse apology and a miniscule credit for my wait time.
Editor’s Closet
Editor’s Closet
StyleChile Rating: Visa’s on deck!
StyleChile Rating: Visa’s on deck!
I’ve yet to try this one, but I’m intrigued. I was even more impressed when my Cavalli-wearing, French-shopping-spree-executing, gazillion-Louboutin (what these ole things?)-having friend, sent me an e-mail to thank me for this invite…she said she was wondering how she was going to get on. So you know this one must be good!
Rue La La
Rue La La
"Rue La La is an exclusive online destination of private sale primier brand boutiques that are each open two or three days each. Membership is free, as long as you know somebody."
StyleChile Rating: Debit Card at the Ready!
"Rue La La is an exclusive online destination of private sale primier brand boutiques that are each open two or three days each. Membership is free, as long as you know somebody."
StyleChile Rating: Debit Card at the Ready!
I joined this one today, and sadly, made my first purchase today. It was worth it though! I mean, the discounts are unbelievable. Miu Miu sale is tomorrow, so hop to it!
Urban Daddy
StyleChile Rating: Cash in Hand!
StyleChile Rating: Cash in Hand!
Interested in hearing about the coolest and newest roof top lounge in your city? Want to know what the hot restaurants are doing with absinthe now that it’s legal? Want perks that most other urban dwellers can’t get their hands on? Well then, get in the know with Urban Daddy. Downside? They’re pretty aggressive with the e-mails…and while it’s all good information, I wish they would send weekly newsletters in lieu of bi daily feeds.
Sheesh, I think this might be my longest. post. ever.