Celeb haunt Bruno Jamais Restaurant Club earned Hospitality Design Magazine's "Best Interior Design" designation. The chef, formerly of Nobu and Le Bernadin, whips up contemporary french cuisine for the likes of Bill Clinton and Kim Cattral.

Winning is easy! Send me an e-mail* with the name of each StyleChile post which has referenced Valentine's Day (this post is not included) and one lucky reader will receive a $50.00 gift certificate to Bruno Jamais and another will receive a piece of jewelry from Bridget Lynne Designs! Be sure to include "StyleChile Valentine's Day Giveaway" in the subject line and don't forget your name and shipping address**. Good luck!
* Please note that the e-mail address is stylechil@gmail.com (without the "e").
**Information submitted will only be used in connection with StyleChile's giveaway and will not be distributed to third parties.
1 comment:
The leaf necklace is beautiful!
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